HENRY COUNTY, VA – Patrick & Henry Community College has maintained Patriot Pantry, a food and hygiene shop for students, since 2016.
P&HCC says the pantry exists thanks to the donations of its staff and community members.
Bassett Kiwanis Club gifted the pantry $500 to purchase items for the spring semester.
"Success can be defined as helping an individual to reach whatever destiny or purpose in one's life; however, it will take the community to change one person at a time to see the success," said the college's Student Success Center Coordinator Seberina Tatum, adding, "We are so grateful to the Kiwanis Club for their support of the success of our students and the Pantry."
Students can shop at the pantry for food and hygiene items as well as school supplies once a month based on a points allocation system.
Patriot Pantry stocks a wide variety of non-perishable food items including grab-and-go meals, pop-top canned food items, and traditionally popular protein bars and shakes.
In the 2022-2023 school year, the pantry was visited by 271 students, according to the community college.
The pantry has served 489 students in the current academic year.
Community members who are interested in learning more about the pantry or in making a donation are encouraged to contact Seberina Tatum or Lisa Coffey at 276-638-8777.