HENRY COUNTY – The Henry County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating a larceny that occurred at 2077 Foxfire Rd., Martinsville, Virginia between the dates of 1/26/2019 and 2/2/2019. At least two unknown individuals in a silver colored SUV entered the property where a Go-Cart, 16ft. camouflage canoe, pull behind spreader/fertilizer, 2 game cameras and 4 antique Coca-Cola crates were stolen.
The Henry County Sheriff’s Office is requesting the assistance of the public in identifying the individuals involved in this larceny. Anyone having information regarding the identity and whereabouts of these individuals is asked to contact the Henry County Sheriff’s Office at 276-638-8751 or Crimestoppers at 63-CRIME (632-7463). The Crimestoppers Program offers rewards up to $2500.00 for information related to crime. The nature of the crime and the substance of the information determine the amount of reward paid.