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Martinsville Henry County Coalition names new Executive Director

MARTINSVILLE – The Martinsville Henry County Coalition for Health and Wellness has announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Michael J. Farley as the new Executive Director, succeeding Barbara Jackman upon her retirement.

Farley has over 30 years’ experience in healthcare management. He comes to the Martinsville area most recently from Comanche, Texas, where he served on the hospital senior executive team, managed a rural health clinic and a series of outpatient specialty clinics. He was also a chair of the service excellence committee. Farley holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Alabama and a Master of Business Administration from Valdosta State University.

Michael J. Farley officially began his role as Executive Director on September 1, 2018.

About Martinsville Henry County Coalition for Health and Wellness

The Martinsville Henry County Coalition for Health and Wellness began operations in 2005 and is committed to providing medical and primary health services at its Health Centers and through a variety of other programs, to promote health, reduce health risk factors and to increase access to medical services, primarily for the uninsured and underserved in the Martinsville-Henry County area. The Health Connect Center is also operated by the Coalition, a “one-stop shop” for individuals in MHC who need help breaking through barriers to health and wellness. For more information, please visit

The Coalition operates two Federally

Qualified Health Centers, Bassett Family Practice in Bassett and Ridgeway Family Health in Ridgeway;

along with the Health Connect Center in Uptown Martinsville.

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